Sunday, January 4, 2015

Green lambs are all the rage, don't you know?

I had started making yet ANOTHER fleece stuffed animal over a year ago, but after a few weeks doing bits of work on it, I got bored (probably because it was boringly green). So I put it aside, worked on some other sewing projects--some of which are still half-done--and didn't give it much thought until now. But since I have resolved this year to finish the projects I start, I went to work on it last night.

I made the legs, attached them to the body, closed the back, sewed on the butt, painstakingly prodded the head into place, then finally turned the sucker right-side out and stuffed it!

Then I had to figure out what color fringe I was going to use. I had originally planned on using a darker green, but in the time since I started the lamb, I bought a patterned fleece that will work even better with forest green trim, and I now want to save it for that. So I pawed through my various pinks, whites, reds, blues, etc... (I probably have more fleece remnants in my house than Jo-Ann does in their whole store.)

And finally settled on ORANGE. I used some leftover red-orange fringe that my mom had found in her shed back from California, and made some new chicken-foot-orange fringe from a remnant I was originally using to make chick feet. I started sewing the fringe on last night, and got most of the way up the body before I went to bed.
And this morning, I woke up to my LAST DAY OF WINTER VACATION (cue tiny violin), and quickly finished attaching fringe to the green lamb.

And voilà! My latest stuffed masterpiece:

I'm sure the thing will make a colorblind child very happy some day. I've decided to call him Punch for now. With all the babies popping up around me at work these days, I'm sure I'll need a present for some young' un soon.

Sadly, of course, finishing Punch puts me about halfway through my last day of vacation (where IS that violin?), so I "look forward" to getting up, doing some dish washing, folding laundry, and buying groceries in preparation for the snow that's supposed to hit later this week. If I actually manage to complete half these things, I'm totally rewarding myself with Pies & Pints tonight!

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