Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015 is going to be **THE** year!

The year of 2015 is supposed to be it--"the year we've all been waiting for," as Maggie put it. What she's referring to is, of course, the massive milestone for my workplace, which will be graduating its first class since 2008.

While that definitely is very exciting, most people with whom I interact on a daily basis know that this is also the year that I will (finally!) turn 25. Yes, that's right, folks! In just a few months, I will no longer be "too young." I'll stop having to pay the young driver fee when I rent cars. I will finally incontestably be in my mid-twenties (although I have argued with many of you that I'm there already). And I will finally stop carping about my young age! I'm sure you are all just as excited about my 25th birthday as I am at this point... Mainly because you can't wait for me to shut up about it.

22 was full of uncertainty, 23 sucked, 24 had copious ups (insane amounts of travel) and downs (burning out at work)... So I am determined that 25 will be a good year for me.

To that end... (I love that phrase, by the way.)

To that end, I have compiled a list of New Year's Resolutions, the length of which far surpasses the length of any others I have made before. Some of them are being kept private for now, but here are the public top ten:
    1. Spend less money than I make (with the exception of replacing my car).
    2. Weigh what it says on my driver's license.
    3. Actually use my Rapid Rewards points (and take advantage of being A-LIST!).
    4. Get out of bed/off the couch before noon on the weekends.
    5. Never have another dehydration headache.
    6. Do something new at least once a month.
    7. Finish the sewing projects I start.
    8. Fall in love with work again.
    9. Balance my binge-watching and binge-reading.
    10. Join a quidditch team.
Some of these resolutions will be easier than others. But all should make my life a little more interesting. And hopefully, they'll help me have my best "adult" year ever!

I even got a head start on resolution number two today (while going strong on numbers four and six) by heading over to the Wellness Center. That's right, I EXERCISED! I know you don't believe it, but it's true--I have the damn membership card to prove it. And why they (and the library) couldn't just put the barcodes on our new staff cards is beyond me!

Anyway, as I read pithy vignettes written by an English expat in Romania, I treaded (trod?) on the elliptical for 20 minutes. I then speed-walked about half a mile around the indoor "track" and actually jogged home. IN THE RAIN. UPHILL BOTH WAYS. Except for the way back, which was actually downhill...and also the only part I jogged.

And whatever idiot said exercise makes people feel better was a nincompoop! I do NOT feel better. I feel cranky, tired, on fire (my muscles), and wet (the rain). And I forgot to turn the thermostat back up when I returned home, so now I'm cold.

Well, I wish everyone else luck with their lists of resolutions. I'm off to turn up the heat and work on number nine--watching a few episodes of Frasier to offset the book I was just reading. Then maybe I'll do a little bit of seven. Off to a great start and it's only the third of the month!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. You exercised? Well that is a step in the right direction. Good for you!
